ANYWAY, Leann runs an events management thing and at work on Friday Jonathan says, "Want to go to a Dior party?" Umm... Yes. But what does one wear to this event??? Why, a little black dress of course- with a red flash of something. Speaking of red flashes, I was wearing a beautiful black dress with a flashy red cummerbund. Jonathan was asked to take a photo of me in my ensemble but he chose to focus on the Pearl Tower instead. Hmm...
The evening goes as follows:
9:45- I arrive at the Dior party. I wait in this gigantic crowd outside until I realize that I have a ticket and can enter. I walk across a red carpet and people take my picture. Maybe they thought I was famous. Do they know that I hardly ever wear lipstick or make-up?
9:50- I am on the 12th floor roof-top balcony of a building overlooking the Bund and the river with a breath-taking view of Pudong and the Pearl Tower. STUNNING! A waiter shoves a glass of Moet into my hand. No argument here.
10:00- Flashy red fireworks explode across the river and the Pearl Tower is illuminated rouge! Apparently it often shimmers in purple and blue and orange, but never before has it shimmered ALL red. Dior and Leann know how to pull strings, apparently.
10:10- "Jonathan- take a picture of me, please!" He clearly was focused on the lipstick bottle shaped Pearl Tower and alas, nothing of my elegant ensemble shows but my head. Oh well- let's all imagine my outfit.
10:30- drink more champagne. And some more. I begin to chat up the locals. "I just love your shoulder decor." (Did those words ACTUALLY come out of my mouth!?)
10:45- Curiousity overcomes me and I dive into the cultural questions. "So Jonathan, why don't they give out free lipstick here?" He explains that if there were freebies, there would be a stampede of fashionand image conscious Chinese fine-young-things and probably fatalities between the lipstick counter and the masses of nouveau riche Chinese woman getting to their rouge. Oh.
11:00- Chinese models roam the rooftop patios in skyscraper heels. Wow. This is runway model type stuff. Dior, actually. Double wow.
11:- ?? Champagne champagne champagne....
Does it make you want to go out and buy some lipstick?
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