One of the best things about ultimate frisbee is something called "spirit of the game." No referees, honest fun, competetive energy, and a comraderie that I have never witnessed in any other sport. Playing in skirts, odd hats, and festive dress is common for male and female players. Random costumes, hats, and theme attire is encouraged, especially in tournaments. The Shanghai Ultimate Frisbee team decided to arrive at the Hong Kong tournament in uniform and in character. We were Jin Qiao Country Club members. We dressed the part- khakis and pink polos, white tennis skirts, glasses of gin and tonic on the fields, retro white headbands, pearl necklaces, noses in the air, golf claps, cheers of "excellent throw, Joseph" and "beautiful run, William", aviator glasses, and a snobbery typical of members of an elite country club. We did it up. Members only. Nothing but class.
Three games on Saturday- Jin Qiao members trounced them all. Three games on Sunday. We struggled only in the final, even then only losing 15-12 to the Singapore team that will go to Worlds in two weeks. A fabulously respectable showing. We attended the Saturday night dinner and party as Jin Qiao members, complete with headbands, polos, alligator logos, hidden flasks, tennis dresses, sweaters over the shoulder, and an unmistakable attitude that set us apart. Saturday night dinner locale was appropraite for the members- club Red in the world's fourth largest building- the Hong Kong International Finance Center (IFC). We were on an outdoor patio on the 5th floor. Spectacular view of the Hong Kong mountains, harbor, and skyline, all majestically lit up. Check out the website http://www.ifc.com.hk/english/
1 comment:
I'd heard that U.F was fun but I had no idea that it could be pulled off with such finesse. Good job Team Jin Qiao Country Club!
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