Goal #1 for travelling to Sri Lanka = surround myself in green. I am totally deprived of green leafy surroundings here in Shanghai and I have been going through withdrawal. I found what I was looking for in Sri Lanka. The picture of me on the stairs is in Polunaruwa, one of the cities in the Cultural Triangle of ancient cities. Green moss and vines are literally growing over and swallowing many of the bricks stairs and walls of the ruins. I am not smiling in this photo because moments earlier a monkey had jumped up on my- climbed up my legs- and stolen a banana right out of my hand. Sounds like a cliche, but let me assure you, monkeys are squirrely little critters.

Parrot Rock in Mirissa, southern Sri Lanka. This rock was right outside of my hotel room. Parrots have nests inside the rock. It was covered with birs and crabs when I explored near there. The Indian Ocean was green and blue and turquoise and perfect for swimming. I jumped in over and over again for the 4 days I was I the south. The other picture of parrot rock shows the palm trees in front of my hotel room. You can also see the foundations of some hotel rooms that got swept away in the December 26th tsunami of 2004. 45,000 Sri Lankan people died that day. Being in southern Sri Lanka on the anniversary of the tsunami was quite powerful. Many people lit small candles and placed them in the water or tied little white ribbons onto prayer flags at temples.

Green mountains and hills. this picture was taken driving from Galle, in the south, to Kandy, a hill town. Palm trees and coconut trees cover the whole island. Luscious!

This last picture captures one of the pools on TOP of the Sigiriya rock ruins. Check out my other postings for info about Sigiriya. The "top of the world" palace built about 1,500 years ago. I spent hours on top of this mega rock just breathing it all in.
1 comment:
these are some of the most beautiful landscapes i have ever imagined. if i feel tranquility and a calming peace just looking online, this has manic state written all over it for me
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