I really really want to learn to play mah jiang. Chinese tile game played by millions of Chinese. Traditional game. Played in the streets. Played over hours. Old men and women hover over boards of tiles. Onlookers stare mesmerized. I want part of that action.

Four goals: buy a mah jiang set, find a mah jiang teacher, find three mah jiang partners, win mah jiang. Kevin is eager to help. Teacher and tiles acquired. Invite Nina and Ben to play as well. Gruesome foursome. First warm weather of the spring allows us to play outside. Start with a delicious brunch on the patio, people are revved for the game. We all don sunglasses. One must be aware of spring fashion while playing mah jiang.
I will not go into details of the rules, but I will say that it is not easy. The tiles have Chinese numbers on them. 144 tiles in all. Different groups of tiles, pictures, characters, and

combinations of numbers. AUGH! I must quickly learn the characters for these numbers. I take mad notes.

Nina and Ben are cut throat. Nina is struck by beginner's luck. She wins 6 or 7 times. Ben tries to side talk with Kevin in Chinese about strategy. NOT FAIR! Nina still beats Ben. Kevin could win at any moment of the game, he is just waiting for the best possible win with the best possible rare combination for a big win. I do not win at all. At least I cooked the most fabulous quiche and apple crumble to appease this tough crowd. Three out of four goals met.
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I love your blog - pics, writing style, stories! Keep it coming!
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